Reis do Butão são pais pela primeira vez
Foto do anúncio do noivado do Rei do Butão Foto: Reuters
Redação Lux  com AA em 6 de Fevereiro de 2016 às 14:17

O rei Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck do Butão e a mulher, Jetsun Pema, foram pais pela primeira vez na sexta-feira (5).

A notícia foi confirmada nas redes sociais: “Suas Majestades e todos os membros da família real estão profundamente felizes pelo nascimento”, pode ler-se na comunicação oficial, onde os reis agradecem as orações da população e a forma como foram tratados pela equipa médica que acompanhou a gravidez e o momento do nascimento, no Palácio Lingkana, em Timbu, capital do Butão.

A mãe e o bebé, cujo nome ainda não foi revelado, estão de “perfeita saúde” e o pai, o chefe de Estado mais jovem do mundo, assistiu ao parto.



Our happiness knows no bounds, as we announce the Royal Birth of His Royal Highness The Gyalsey on 5th February 2016. Our Prince, the first Royal Child of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema, was delivered safely at the Lingkana Palace, Thimphu. His Majesty was at Her Majesty's side during the time of the delivery. Following the Royal Birth, His Royal Highness was first presented to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo. Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen and His Royal Highness are both in perfect health. All sacred Bhutanese traditions were observed for the auspicious occasion, with His Holiness the Je Khenpo presiding over the religious ceremonies. Their Majesties and members of the Royal family are filled with profound joy on the birth of His Royal Highness. Their Majesties expressed appreciation to the Bhutanese medical team for their service. Their Majesties also expressed heartfelt gratitude to the Zhung Dratshang, Rabdeys, and other religious organizations who performed prayer ceremonies in all the Dzongs and Lhakhangs across the country for the wellbeing of His Royal Highness, Their Majesties, and the people of Bhutan. We join the people of Bhutan in our heartfelt prayers for the wellbeing of Her Majesty and His Royal Highness, and in the expression of our joy on this momentous occasion. ❦ (Image: This photograph was taken on the 20th of January, 2016) #Bhutan #RoyalBirth #PrinceofBhutan #DragonQueen #DragonKing #Happiness

Uma foto publicada por Her Majesty Queen Jetsun Pema (@her_majesty_queen_of_bhutan) a



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